Safety Saturday: 5 Traffic Stop Safety Tips: For Police Officers
It’s #SafetySaturday! Here are the top 5 tips for traffic stop safety for police officers.
1. Passenger side approach: If a driver is looking to ambush you, more likely than not, he’ll expect you on the driver side. If you come up on the passenger side, you can often get a better view of the inside of the car.
2. Don’t get hit by oncoming traffic: Another good benefit of the passenger side approach is not getting stuck in the middle of oncoming traffic. Some motorists may be close to hitting you while you are dealing with the driver of the vehicle.
3. Get out of the driver’s seat: After stopping a car, get out quickly. When running the license checks, stand near the passenger of your car and run them on the radio. If you have to sit in the car to computerize the information, just keep an eye on the driver of the car.
4. Turn your wheels to the left: This will help maintain not getting rear ended by a car. If you get out of the car, your car will hopefully roll to the left away from you
5. Wall of light: Make sure you use all of your patrol car lighting to ensure a “Wall of Light” that can be used in the concealment during nighttime.
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