Memorable Monday: Inspector James Guida
This #MemorableMonday, we would like to honor Inspector James Guida from the New York City Police Department. Inspector James Guida died...
Safety Saturday - Watch Your Speed!
"Watch your speed. Make sure it’s situationally appropriate. There’s a huge difference between handling characteristics at 85 mph and 100...
Memorable Monday: Corporal Harvey Snook
This #MemorableMonday, we would like to honor Corporal Harvey Snook, III from Arlington County PD, Virginia. Corporal Harvey Snook passed...
Safety Saturday: Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is one of the best times of the year for children. However, it can be one of the most dangerous as well. Apple Valley police...
Thoughts On Thursday: A Quote From Marcus Aurelius
This #ThoughtsonThursday, we would like to leave you with a positive quote from Marcus Aurelius who was a Roman Emperor that ruled from...
Safety Saturday: Did You Know?
Did you know? 80% of officers deaths were at the hand of a gun. #SafetySaturday #Officers #Police #ITSOG #InTheSpiritofGiving
Thoughts On Thursday: Did You Know?
Did you know? The first police car was a wagon run by electricity fielded on the streets of Akron, Ohio in 1899. Be sure to "Follow Us"...
Columbus Day!
Today is #Columbus Day! Have a safe and enjoyable holiday! Be sure to "Follow Us" on Twitter: @ITSOGFoundation #InTheSpiritofGiving...
Memorable Monday: Sergeant Kerry Winters
This #MemorableMonday, we would like to honor Sergeant Kerry Winters from the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office in New York. Sergeant Kerry...
Safety Saturday: Top 3 Gun Safety Tips During Weapon Training
This #SafetySaturday, we would like to present you with the top three gun safety tips during weapon training. 1. Removal of lime...